Education Consulting

I have been a classroom teacher and education administrator for over 25 years. I started working in hybrid online/face-to-face education in 2013, but like many teachers in 2020, I moved to fully remote learning and continue to primarily work in online learning environments.

I began consulting for secondary and postsecondary institutions in 2022.

Media Production

My husband, Nick and I started New Point Press as a hobby and place we could use the media skills we developed in our early college days. We even met on a film set! We write, make media and explore.

New Point Press is a place where we merge our ideas of leadership, arts, communication and education together. It's all about looking at the world around us a little bit differently.


My blog, often sporadic and undisciplined, captures my experiences as a film teacher, education administrator and freelancer in the world of higher education. I write for me, mostly, and write for others some of the time. Writing is reflection for me and it is where my best learning takes place.